How Do I Get My Cat to Play?

cat playing in cat tunnel

Cat personalities differ considerably, but most felines enjoy a good play session. So, what do you do if your cat won't play with you?

Most cats do not respond to toys, but to human interaction USING toys. Very few adult cats will play on their own. Yes, kittens will play with virtually anything on their own, but once they reach adulthood, their energy is devoted to hunting, not playing. Playtime for adults has to emulate the process they'd experience hunting prey in the wild.

In order to coax a cat to play, even a senior cat, you have to do a little trial and error to see what they respond to. Most cats love wand toys, so that's where I usually start. You want to tease her with it, dragging it around corners so she has to get up and move to see where it went. Cats are very curious, so moving a toy in such a way almost always piques their interest.

The key really is your own attention and interaction. A toy is only fun when it's powered by a human to emulate how a cat's prey might move. We want to lure them into the hunt. Once you see playing as hunting, it can help you to understand how to play.

This still doesn't guarantee that every cat will engage in play. You have to be patient and offer it before mealtimes. If they turn away, don't give up. Just offer it regularly and see if they’ll come around. You may find that you actually have to teach each cat to play more. Of course, they should always have the choice to refuse. You don't want to force it on them or they’ll associate negative feelings with their toys. Just patiently and kindly offer to play with them at about the same time each day and you may find that they will start to play more often.

cat behaviorist Tom Kirby, UW-AAB

Author: Tom Kirby, UW-AAB - cat behaviorist

I’m certified in applied animal behavior and have years of experience solving the specific problems faced by cat caregivers like you every day.

I’m here to help you and your feline friends live happier, healthier lives together.

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